Managing Intellectual Property in the NHS
Innovation is recognised to be increasingly important within the NHS.
Demand for better patient outcomes, an efficiency drive to achieve 20% savings, combined with the burden of changing demographics and disease types are the motivations behind the Innovation Health and Wealth plan currently being implemented by the management.
NHS staff hold a vast reservoir of potential IP which can benefit all. But only if ideas can make it to the ward.
Mike Phillips, Renfrew’s design and development Director, will be presenting at the one day workshop ‘Managing IP in the NHS’ on Thursday 31st Jan 2013, to share his experiences of working with the NHS and offer insight to delegates on how to capture and protect IP through concept design and prototyping processes.
The event is organised by Health Enterprise East and Medilink on 31st Jan 2013 at Biocity Nottingham, designed to provide an introduction to the tools and processes required.