
Patient Personal Waterless Toilet

Over 600 NHS frontline staff, many of them infection control specialists, were asked to make suggestions on the types of new product that they felt might best help combat Healthcare Acquired Infections (HCAIs) within hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Healthcare-equipment-design-waterless-toiletIn 2008, the Department of Health in concert with the NHS National Innovation Centre and Renfrew Group International, began developing concept designs for an isolation tent for use on wards. All parties worked collaboratively to devise several solutions that could be quickly and easily be erected within a busy ward to provide an effective barrier against infection spread from the patient housed inside to visitors, staff and others on the ward. The resultant isolation unit subsequently became known as the Temporary Side Room (TSR).

As part of the programme Renfrew Group also developed a portable waterless toilet for single patient use within the TIU. The unit incorporates a sophisticated filtration and extraction system to contain both C. difficile bacteria and odour, and a sealed bag system, with similar odour-containing properties, in which waste is stored for a short period before being removed.

Simple display graphics mean patients can confidently operate the unit without assistance, and the whole design is orientated towards safety, simplicity of use and ease of cleaning and maintenance. The Waterless Toilet requires a power supply but no plumbing connection.