
Grand Challenge Activity – Self-monitoring medical devices

Renfrew Group International worked with Aseptika, which is a start-up business in Cambridge, on the development of self-monitoring medical devices, which are designed to meet one of the Grand Challenges, to keep patients out of hospital, and at home through better monitoring of their disease state.

We worked with the client’s electronic package right through to working prototypes in a very short space of time. Government funded initiatives are very important to encourage more activity in this area.

Aseptika Limited (Activ8rlives), developers of a range of self-monitoring medical devices, some in the form of wearable technologies, aimed at assisting patients to self-manage long-term health conditions at home, is already having impact in this field.

The early identification via home self-monitoring of an impending change in condition may allow for earlier intervention by starting antibiotics (“rescue pack”) days earlier, thereby reducing the need for lengthy hospitalisation.

Smart watch - BuddyWOTCH

Aseptika and Renfrew Group International (RGi) have been working together on the development of the Activ8rlives BuddyWOTCH™.

This solution will provide “expert” pathways for use by both patient/carers and the healthcare team to inform, manage and report the success of self-care plans so that patients can remain independent at home, with a better quality and more sustainable model of care.

Such solutions must be truly wearable, comfortable, ergonomic, attractive, and suitable for use with minimal training by consumers, often age-related. Achieving this has been the Renfrew Group team’s priority.